Euro ±

by Additio Accounting Applications GmbH



Structured document entry and tax-relevant evaluations.Capture what? How to record? Which sums, which key figures?Uncertainty with these questions leads to confusing records, missing information and tedious extra work when subsequently processing and supplementing the data again.Save time and nerves with europlusminus through the structured entry of your receipts and with the help of the further evaluations for your tax returns.Important tax-related information and reminders.Thought of everything? Everything in view?europlusminus informs you in good time about important tax-related facts such as reaching certain turnover limits and reminds you of important deadlines.In this way, you can react in good time and avoid nasty surprises afterwards, such as additional subsequent taxation or surcharges for delays.The income and expenditure account always with youDont have the time and dont feel like sitting down for "accounting" after work, or in the evening or at the weekend?You always have your mobile phone with you, with europlusminus this also applies to your income and expenditure account.Photograph and park your receipts from anywhere and complete the entries whenever you have time.Secure data storage, secure data protection.The federal tax code imposes certain requirements for the recording of income and expense accounts. Excel and other self-maintained records often do not meet these requirements.In the worst case, penalties and estimates by the tax office threaten. europlusminus stores the data in accordance with the legal requirements and recording obligations, all of this of course encrypted and GDPR-compliant.